Monday, April 27, 2009

Thh Great News

I met with the doctor today to discuss my final (and long awaited) pathology report. The news could not have been better. The tumors that were removed were benign AND due to the type of tissue/cell make up of the tumors it is highly unlikely that they will grow back. I am sooooo happy. If I could have done it, I would have jumped for joy when they told me, except NO JUMPING is allowed :) All is good...did I mention that I am sooooo happy?


  1. Carolina,

    I am so incredibly relieved and happy for you!!!!!! I would love to talk to you if you are feeling up to a call. Love, Ginger

  2. YES!!!!! I am so glad!!!! Take care!!!!


  3. We will share your great news with the unmentionable group on our call at noon today. None of them can jump either.

  4. I want you to know that Doris and I jumped on your behalf. We had the contractors in this afternoon to assess the damage. will be sending you the bill......

  5. Carolina, I am very happy you were not admitted to my club! YESSSSSSSSS great news. I can Jump for you ;)

  6. I'm thankful about this news Carolina.
    The world would be a much duller place without you in it.
    How you handled this situation is very inspiring to me.
    All the best to you and Chris.

  7. That's awesome!!! As a sarcoma patient, I can honestly say it sucks! I'm happy for you..more than you know :)
