Thursday, March 19, 2009

Six is my new lucky number.

On Monday they performed my egg retrieval and last night six fully developed embryos were frozen. We are very happy with the results and so glad that we got a chance to do this. Unfortunately, I developed a severe form of ovary hyperstimulation syndrome and now have to be on bed rest for a couple of days. Originally, I thought I had too many french fries. Given my present situation, I decided to check with the doctor. I am glad that I did.

On the way to the doctor's ofice I must have looked rather worn, as a stranger asked me if I needed to sit down on the subway. I didn’t know how to react…I was thinking to myself that a few months ago I was competing in triathlons and running 3-6 miles a day and now I couldn’t even make it up a flight of stairs or stand during a short subway ride. I used to always pass people when walking on the street and going up and down the stairs. Today I got a different perspective. I can’t remember the last time that I was not in a hurry. It isn’t that bad to slow down and the fact is that if you miss one subway train another will come shortly after and you always make it to where you need to be...just a little bit later and a bit less stressed.


  1. Carolina~ 6 embryos is wonderful news!!! I am so happy that the process was so successful. I am however sorry that you are having some side effects from the hormones...I hope you feel better soon :-)

    I am glad to see that you have decided to start your blog. I admire your courage right now. Please know that I am here for you...and you can call me anytime day or night, if you need to talk.

    I know that you are taking it one day at a time right now...and today I hope that you have a good day and find time to enjoy a good laugh or two,as I love your sense of humor and your ability to appreciate the comical irony that we often experience in everyday situations.

    You are a strong and incredible woman who is tackling this situation head on. I know you are having good days and not so good days right now... please know that you are loved and a dear friend who deserves nothing but the best.

    Thinking of you, Ginger

  2. Carolina, congratulations! Finally some good news for you. Thank you so much for sharing your story through this blog. FOr those of us who love you and want to respect your privacy, it provides us with updates and introspect that helps us understand what is happening in your life. You are truly amazing and inspiring! Much love to you and Chris. I am thinking and praying for you. Patty

  3. Hey sweets,

    Been thinking about you and reading your blog. You are such a strong, inspiring person. Congrats on that wonderful number 6 and I am sure we will get together soon to celebrate your total recovery.

    Love you tons,
