Saturday, March 28, 2009

Back on my feet...just in time for the weekend

This is the first weekend in about a month that I am not on some type of bed rest and I plan on taking full advantage of it. I only hope that the rain will stop and we'll have sunny 55+ degree weather. Hurray, I am out of bed!

Today, is my friend Therese’s wedding and of course it is very much on my mind. I am very excited about her special day and I am wondering if she was able to sleep last night. The excitement she must feel! I am sure that it will be an amazing time and I am looking forward to seeing the pictures and catching up on the stories.

As for me, I am meeting up with a very good college friend whom I have not seen since I graduated in 1995. A lot has happened since that time. I have lived in numerous places and had all kinds of world adventures. She is married and has a two year old, so there will be lots to catch up on. Tonight, I am going to participate in the filming of a bi-racial documentary that a few of my friends are putting together. One of the greatest things about living in NYC has been being part of a bi-racial community. One of my friends started a social club for bi/multi-racial individuals over a year ago and we have grown to almost 300 members. It is always eye opening to hear what combination people are and how they view themselves. The way the world sees us and the way we see ourselves rarely intersect.

We have numerous activities, usually centered around food. A couple of months ago we had Bliss Broyard, the author of "One Drop, My Father's Hidden Life" at my house for a discussion. She wrote a book about her famous father, Anatole Broyard, who passed as white for most of his life. Her dad’s story begins in New Orleans and moves to NYC. Besides my interest in the bi-racial subject matter, the book intrigued me because it covers the last two cities that I have lived in. Plus, where else in the world could one discover a book in Barnes and Noble and then invite the author to come to your house for a book discussion?

On Sunday I hope to visit a couple of my other friends and then begin my herb garden on the patio. May they grow like weeds.


  1. Both you and Therese have been constantly on my mind lately. I miss the days of trouble making with you crazy girls :).
    I have always regretted letting our friendship slip throught the cracks. I don't think I will ever find a better running partner than you were! It is just crazy how much all of our lives have changed. Thank you for starting this blog--you are a gifted writer & your strength on this journey has already been an inspiration to me. Have a good weekend, and I will be thinking of you on Monday!

  2. I hope the weekend was wonderful for you. And I hope tomorrow (Monday) goes well. Know that you are on my mind constantly. I am excited that you got to meet your author. If you remember, that was the book you showed me when we lunched in Oct. and you said then that you were going to try and find the author. I can't imagine, then, you not being able to do anything you put your mind to - and having this all work out for the better is part of that. You go, girl!
